Hydration: A History

On the billion-dollar "thirst" technology industry

Fingers crossed — the heat wave we’ve been experiencing in NYC is over. After a brief respite with cooler weather, it has been brutally hot and humid again for the past week or so. Indeed last weekend’s long run had me doing 12+ miles in almost 100% humidity. Awful.

According to my Garmin, I lost over 2000 ml of fluid in sweat during the outing. And while I carried a little over a liter of electrolytes with me in my hydration pack, that’s still a net loss of fluids. Of course, there's really no reason to think my watch knows how much I sweat, no matter how much data Garmin says goes into its algorithm. ("Your sweat loss is calculated using a formula that takes into account several factors, including effort during an activity and other information available from your Garmin watch. These factors may include FTP, weight, distance traveled, speed, elevation gain, temperature, heart rate, and other variables.")

But yeah, sure. It was 100% humidity. I ran for two hours. I sweated a lot. I needed to hydrate — the exact amount, ¯\_(ツ)_/¯