What's for Breakfast?

Two smoothie options: one inspired by Big Bird; the other by Hailey Bieber

Initially, I had planned to share a recipe for a nut butter smoothie with you today.

Nuts and nut butters are an appealing addition to a smoothie because 1) they're delicious and 2) they contain protein, and it's not a bad idea to start your day with protein. Of course, nuts are also pretty high in fat — it's a "good fat" (eye-roll), and despite all the hand-wringing, fat is absolutely a necessary part of a healthy diet. That said, nuts are not the most calorie-efficient way to get protein, so nut butter will often be tut-tutted in certain diet-culture circles.

To hell with that. Put it in your smoothie, on your toast; eat it straight out of the jar if you like.