What's For Breakfast?

Let's kick November off with a couple of recipes and a couple of shortcuts to what is, arguably, one of the very best breakfasts (and dinners): pancakes

Happy Monday! What's for breakfast?

It's November, and I have arbitrarily decided that it's going to be pancake month here at Second Breakfast. Oh sure, sure, I could have checked the marketing calendar to see when Pancake Month is. (Apparently "National Pancake *Day*" in the US is in September, which seems odd as I thought that would have been Shrove Tuesday — so, some time in February or March. Of course, any day could be pancake day, and arguably any meal — not just breakfast.) There are four Mondays in November, which means four pancake varieties!

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Actually, I have more than one recipe for you today, along with a shortcut for making pancakes that eliminates what I think is the worst part: standing at the stove, cooking up the never-ending batch of pancake batter, two or three at a time, while everyone else enjoys them hot as they come off the griddle.