What's for Breakfast?

It's coffee month, so how do you transform one of the best coffee-flavored desserts into breakfast? Pancakes, of course. Tiramisu protein pancakes

Yes, yes I realize that it's coffee month here at Second Breakfast (with recipes for coffee cake and coffee muffins so far), but I've decided to switch gears with the recipe I'm sharing this morning. I was going to write about coffee-brewing technology and our tendency to over-engineer our household gadgets, before guiding you through the cold brew coffee process. But 1) you gotta eat more than coffee for breakfast, folks. I insist! And 2) I just finished reading Linda Civitella's book Baking Powder Wars: The Cutthroat Food Fight that Revolutionized Cooking, which is a fascinating history of a food technology, food safety, food marketing, and the ways in which the product and its manufacturers utterly transformed cooking (and eating). So much of what we eat for breakfast — muffins, doughnuts, crullers, pancakes, biscuits, waffles, Egg McMuffins, graham crackers, Pop Tarts, Oreos (who among you hasn't) — relies on baking powder and/or baking soda as a leavening agent.

Have you ever studied the image on the Clabber Girl label closely? This imagery first appeared in the 1920s, and if nothing else, let’s note that the Clabber Girl has a bob! With finger curls! She’s a modern girl, using the very modern technology of baking powder to make those perfect biscuits....

I will, of course, devote whole months to recipes for these different kinds of breads and cakes, but as it's coffee month; and as the idiom "flat as a pancake" should not make sense to Americans because pancakes in the US are fluffy — thanks baking powder! — but we say it anyway; and as we're all in agreement here that protein powder is one of the big food/fitness/technology trends of 2023; and as tiramisu is among the most delicious dessert items on this planet and of course contains coffee, I present to you Tiramisu Protein Pancakes. (Bonus: this recipe also contains cottage cheese! We are doing all the hits here this morning!)