What's Good?

The week in sports- and snacks- technology news

Happy Friday! What's good?!

Apologies here at the outset that I don't have a lot of news to share with you today. I didn't pay much attention to the Internet over the holiday weekend — a weekend that Kin and I extended through Tuesday to deal with relocating our RV trailer. (Spoiler alert: this task was not successfully completed. But that’s a story for my personal blog, not this newsletter.)

Elsewhere in disappointment, I happened to notice that a protein bar I was eating was two servings. Who eats half a protein bar?! I hate this sort of manipulation of nutritional labels by making the serving size smaller than what a rational human would actually consume in one sitting. Like when a serving of cereal is 5 tablespoons or some bullshit. This is a whole other essay in itself, I realize....

Elsewhere in cereal stories, food-technology writer Larissa Zimberoff discusses breakfast mascots and other "cereal lessons." And in other food news: "Training for the Olympics of Cheese."  "How New York’s Public Hospitals Cut Carbon Emissions: More Vegetables."

And from the world of sports: "11,000 runners DQ'd from Mexico City Marathon, per report." Via The Atlantic: "How Men Muscled Women Out of Surfing." "In 'brutal' US Open heat, Daniil Medvedev warns during his win that a player is 'gonna die'." I am genuinely curious how many sports — in my case, running — are going to continue with the extreme heat and climate change. Lord knows we’ll still have football, which apparently started its season last night. The Washington Post on "The Maestro: The man who built the biggest match-fixing ring in tennis." In case you were wondering, here are some details on "The Sylvester Stallone Workout: Sculpting a Rocky Body." Jay Caspian King has thoughts on "Why 'Alone' Is the Best Reality Show Ever Made."

We visited the Blue Hill Fair on Sunday, and it was not anything like I imagined from Charlotte’s Web. Pictured: a “some pig pork parfait,” which was quite magnificent: smoked pork, masked potatoes, beans, and BBQ sauce....