What's Good?
The latest food and fitness technology news -- or some of it, as we're still on the road
I sent this week's essay out a day early as I have no idea, in fact, what day of the week it is any more. I think today's Friday — if so, Happy Friday. What's good?
Kin and I are still on the road, although we are now in the possession of our apartment keys. (That's good!) The movers won't get here with our stuff until next week, so we're heading north now — up to Maine to stay with my little brother for the weekend-and-a-bit. (Also good!)

Again, what with the traveling, I have paid little attention to the news. (That's good too!) From what I can glean, one of the biggest stories of the week seems to involve a former hot dog vendor? (I do not know what to make of any of this, quite honestly. Timothy Burke has a rather wonderful take on how we try to make sense of these sorts of stories.)
We have been listening to audiobooks as we've been driving. Considering I also listen to audiobooks when I run, I've finished a few and written reviews in the Notes section of Substack: The Right Call. Conspirituality. Hippie Food. Kin and I are now on hour 12 of the 66 hours of The Power Broker, so that's going to keep us busy long after our driving is done. (How can you tell a writer is moving to New York City? They tell you they're reading The Power Broker.)
I have lots to say about breakfasts and road tripping, but that’s worth a whole essay. Stay tuned!
Elsewhere in food news: A "proto-pizza" discovery in Pompeii. The US has approved the sale of lab-grown chicken. Vegan Kraft Singles! The Washington Post explains (again) why so many ultra processed foods are "unhealthy." Sure sure, but vegan Kraft Singles, man. "Meals For One" by Sharanya Deepak. Laura Thomas on "Helping Kids build a Good Relationship with Sugar." Kim Foster on the "food desert mythology." "Do Plant-Based Diets Really Cause These Common Problems?" asks Christy Harrison.
This week in sports / fitness news: Tressie goes to the rodeo — in Portland no less Elon Musk and Mark Zuckerberg are really going to cage fight? Ian Bogost says "The Nerds Are Bullies Now," and I'd say they have been for a while. Congrats to everyone who ran the Western States Endurance Run, particularly Courtney Dauwalter who shaved more than an hour off the previous women's record on the course, running the 100 miles in 15 hours, 29 minutes and 33 seconds. Damn. Via The Athletic: "Kylian Mbappe’s mother and the rise of one of football’s toughest dealmakers." Renowned cheater Lance Armstrong is concerned that trans athletes who are taking hormones might be cheating. Fuck that guy. The NYT recommends trail running in the Dolomites, and I'd be game (although the hills in Iowa (of all places) truly kicked my ass this past weekend, so I dunno. You know how I know I'd never be a good team player? This would never be me: "Belgium Was Out of Hurdlers. So a Shot-Putter Agreed to Run." Hurdles scare the hell out of me. "Why are runners so fast?" asks Outside. (Technology angle: it's the shoes.) Christine Yu with the "Highlights from the Female Athlete Conference." Obligatory Arnold.
The stories we were told about “health” and technology: Looking for yet another wearable monitor to stress you out? How about this one from the University of Bristol that purports to monitor your stress levels. Ozempic. Ozempic. Blah blah blah. WTAF is "bed rotting." "Inside the Secretive World of Penile Enlargement." (Wow.) "Mayor Adams mandates daily ‘mindful breathing’ exercises in NYC public schools," The Gothamist reports. Listen, I like a good calming breath as much as the next person; but when you act like kids learning how to breathe is going to address the structural issues they're facing, I want to scream. Sorry. (Not sorry.)
Yours in struggle,