What's for Breakfast?

Thursday is Thanksgiving in the US, so here's an easy version of pancakes to kick off the week

Happy Monday! What's for breakfast?

It's Thanksgiving week in the US — I say "week" because the expectation seems to be that we spend all week preparing for Thursday's meal. And listen, I love to cook. But that's some bullshit pressure we place on women.

So this isn't the week for elaborate breakfasts, I reckon. And yet pancake month must go on. (Other recipes: carrot cake pancakes, sheet-pan pancakes, and pancake mix) This week's version is nice and easy as it cooks in the oven rather than demanding you stand over a griddle, flipping cakes while other people eat breakfast.

It's also reminiscent of one of my most favorite foods in the whole world: the Yorkshire pudding. It's an absolute travesty that, in our desire to throw off British rule, we stopped eating this delicious egg/flour/milk combination. I mean, sure sure, we get the Thanksgiving holiday, and the Brits don’t. But instead of Yorkshire pudding, we often serve some pretty mediocre rolls. Anyways, I digress.