What's for Breakfast?

Looking for ways to use your sourdough starter? (Are we still doing sourdough these days?) Use it to make granola...

Happy Monday! What’s for breakfast?

I ran 13.1 miles yesterday, and so I’m taking it easy today — indeed, for much of the week. This was my “A” race for the fall, and while I do have a couple more races to run before the end of the year, there’ll be nothing quite as long as a half marathon. I’ll dial back my training quite a bit for the next few months, and I’ll certainly back the carb consumption — particularly the carbs that I happily indulged in to prepare for Sunday’s race. (It’s not necessary to “carb load” for a half marathon, but it felt like as good an occasion as any to order a lot of donuts from my favorite NYC shop, The Doughnut Project on Saturday. And Kin got bagels from the best bagel shop in the city, Absolute Bagels.) But this week’s mantra, rather than “eat to run” is “eat to recover.” There still will be second breakfasts.

October, if you’ll recall, is granola month, and on the heels of last week’s “no recipe” recipe, I have a much more structured set of ingredients and instructions for you today.