What's for Breakfast?

It's the end of November, so here's the last pancake recipe for you: plantain pancakes

It’s the last Monday of November, which means it’s the last pancake recipe of pancake month. (Others: Dutch baby, carrot cake pancakes with whipped cream cheese maple frosting, sheet pan pancakes, pancake mix.) And while I wanted to give you a recipe for crepes, I have yet to master the "flip" — this is something I get Kin to do — so I decided to go in a different direction with today's offering. That said, crepes are awesome — whether filled with something sweet or savory — and you should get someone in your life who’s willing to flip your pancake batter. (Wink wink nudge nudge.)

Because many of us US-ians spent too much time on meal planning and prepping and cooking and cleaning up last week, today’s recipe is dead simple — one of those “throw things in a blender” kind of breakfasts, which, for what it’s worth, Julia Child’s crepe recipe above is as well.

And while, as I’ve complained about multiple times this month, pancakes can be annoying AF to cook while everyone else is enjoying the first few off the griddle, this recipe only makes, like, two pancakes. So hold the first one in the oven (or hell, just let it sit on the counter) and give yourself the hot one for once, okay?

(That said, I did catch a glimpse of a TikTok where someone made a whole stack of pancakes in their air fryer. So perhaps that’s an experiment for you — or for me, the next time pancakes month rolls around here at Second Breakfast. Speaking of “next time,” I am still very much interested in your feedback on how things are going here with the newsletter. I'm toying with changing things up a bit in the new year, so I'd like to hear your thoughts on what you like and don't like — for breakfast or otherwise.)

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Today’s recipe uses a green plantain — green, not yellow and not black. It’s also gluten-free. You could certainly add some sugar to this if you want. Or just drown the pancake, as is, in maple syrup. No rules here.

OK, one rule: if you still have leftovers from Thanksgiving on Thursday, throw them away at the end of today. It’s been four days. No one wants to start the week with food poisoning, yo.

Plantain Pancakes

Servings: 2


  • 1 large green plantain
  • 2 eggs
  • 1 tsp vanilla
  • 1/4 tsp baking soda
  • 1/8 tsp salt


Combine everything in a blender. Cook like a good ol’ regular wheat flour pancake. You know the routine by now.

Enjoy your breakfast. Enjoy your week.